Friday, February 11, 2011

Scholarships For People With Lazy Eye


L'AQUILA - "The policy is Abruzzi confirms the forefront, having been able to interpret the agreement reached at national level by the President of the Council Silvio Berlusconi, and the Secretary of the Right, Francesco Storace , aimed at creating a new center-right ".
These are the first words of the new Provincial Councillor with responsibility for training, school policies and training Luigi D'Eramo, regional coordinator of the Right, taking over the executive led by Anthony Del Corvo instead of finiano Vincent Patrizi , the provincial director Guido Liris (PDL), has instead taken the place of council Roberto Romanelli, leader of the Department traffic and sports.
In provincial council, instead of replaces Liris Pasqualino Di Cristafano (PDL), while D'Eramo was elected Provincial Council, in the past has served as councilor for the City of Eagle during the two consigliature Biagio Storm, first with responsibility for sport and OSS (one stop shop and production activities) and then public works.
"With this spirit in the Province of L'Aquila proceed to the construction of a new coalition. The Right joins the Board for the Raven to support and enhance political action in favor of citizens. I thank the president and the regional coordinator PDL, Philip pickaxe, with which in recent months has never missed the debate and dialogue, and with which there has always been a mutual respect. The will of all is to strengthen the center-right coalition. "

"I greet with joy the entrance of the right hand of the junta in the province of Aquila. Luigi D'Eramo, our regional secretary, and 'was appointed commissioner today. The representative of the right hand replaces the commissioner of the Future and Freedom '. "
, said in a statement Francesco Storace National Secretary of "The Right".


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