Saturday, February 12, 2011

Blueprint Stiletto Knife Slide

Concita the bunga bunga and women in the square

The effects of the "bunga bunga" have awakened the slumbering Concita De Gregorio, less well-known as editor of The Unit, which has launched at the end of January, an appeal to the women left for it to be over-represented in Milan to safeguard the dignity of women and draw a new emancipation of the latter. Just so women who face a hard life and poor quality are forced to be represented by persons of the same kind that would elect the system to a kind of brothel. Last but not least another, no less important, goal to be pursued would be to undermine men in politics. All disturbed Socrates and his Socratic.
If I reflected, however, the real goal is to further to sign as part of a patchwork of attacks against the current prime minister - there including the action of meneghini pm - to put it on the corner or force him to resign.
But when in the guise of a neo-Puritanism without roots, you want to control an entire system should speak the context of the facts respecting the consecutio temporum all starting at the beginning and do not abuse dall'epilogo "bunga bunga." For example, if Nilde Iotti was not the lover of Palmiro Togliatti was to become Speaker of the House? And what about Cicciolina who had nothing to do with Puritanism as the cabbage? Ditto for the trans-gender Luxuria! But, then, feminists identified with the emancipation of the free love, free trade, with the free drugs under an inverted Puritanism.
There's more: because when the left parties would compile lists of so-called appointed and the number of nominande (with the exception of some protected as the wife of Fassino ed altre)era effimero, le femministe non sono scese in campo per gridare la loro rabbia contro i vertici maschilisti delle formazioni di appartenenza?
Non ha diritto di parola chi ha da sempre alimentato la palude putrida dei disvalori. A meno che non si sia compiuto il miracolo di una loro repentina conversione. Ma le femministe manifestanti non credono in Dio.
                                                                                                               Anna Rita Guarracino
Department Head PO-national women
de la Right


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