Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What If A Dogs Mucus Discharge Is Dark Brown


Immediately clean up any misunderstanding, the 'national unity "as was intended from its inception by the International Masonry forced to take matters in hand after the revolutionary inspiration of some of his" brothers " in honor of heresy as the Republicans to Mazzini, the utopian socialists and revolutionaries to Pisacane Garibaldi (in fact largely incorporated symbols (and with a sense of continuity in our ideal) iconography rather than the "regime" fascist fascism by socialrepubblicano the last 600 days of experience CSR) do not want to just talk. E ' pantomimic shareholder and the same patriotic ciellenista always other-directed by the enemies of the nation which is now in the stain to "celebrate" 150 years thanks to the elite of people who worked until a few years ago specifically for an international geo-political blocks, the pro-American and Atlanticist the Soviet Marxism that together the "homeland" I just wanted to Italian rags (as indeed has taken place thanks to their work after sixty years of war).
So even if now is still the "word" is unique and is one of the octopus usurocratica stateless person who certainly likes a lot un'italietta instead of a nation. Here is the
point: the nation as the Community and not the mere "unity of Italy" (which actually says nothing).
's why it deliberately and provocatively because we wanted to confirm for us the true Unity of the People has a beginning and an end (at least in the modern era) that identifies the date of the Victory of Vittorio Veneto and the year of betrayal Badoglio .
A magic moment in which a set of Will finds himself in the spirit of Lineage and promotes the end of each division between small countries to bring together all individuals of tradition and ancestral blood in the fulfillment of a mystical and transcendent mission of recovery and improvement of the primacy our Mediterranean civilization.
Communion of individuals with a goal and a purpose that become the Community of the Nation and not a mere geographical expression.

Unfortunately, the 1943 anti-national forces, the same today as it sold off in a hypocritical charlatan patriotic, wanted to hit the new-found dignity and only a burst of Honor and Loyalty of some hundreds of thousands of men and women is indomitable opposed to two other long tragic years eclipse.
We have gathered here to witness that and to continue to fight in defense of the nation that goes beyond to reach the bigger picture of a Europe of Nations and the war is not lost.
The Seg. La RIGHT Guardiagrele
Paul Damiano


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