Saturday, December 11, 2010

Franchise Agreement Sample Jewellery

box and other gadgets

few days ago I received a wonderful gift. My colleague brought me some cookies from Japan (his wife is Japanese, when we were in Tokyo took us to a nice restaurant to eat the eel).
My happiness, biscuits in hand, has made the box!

The lid of the carton, with a beautiful drawing of a girl.

Inside cookies

Cookies eat them, meanwhile the box I used to get some gadget bought in Japan.
I put it on the dresser, next to bonsai and other strange objects ... (such as the puppet of straw hat that covers Chopper, which is not mine)

My GattoSandro immediately went to see .. .

Perhaps it is curious to know what's inside?

I put the purse in the shape of cats and other souvenirs a bit 'small I was afraid to lose (when you have a cat you never know, things disappear and do not find them anymore!)

Behind the box is a Japanese subject, but I bought a shopping mall in Nice

It is a 'Nohohon "a man who moves his head (goes to solar energy). There is also the key, but I left the package in its original state.

There are many types of Nohohon, with Hello Kitty.
This is the website:


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