Friday, July 3, 2009

Roland Micro Cube Settings Metallica


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Does Anyone Know Alot About Nudie Jeans?


Even the best buffalo is credible but it's a hoax. The generation described in the film is credible but does not tell the real generation of the 1000 eurini there on the streets.

Certainly the director and the writer have never lived with Euro 1000 and if this has happened will have had a "help" family bank or some charity. We think that rather than 1000 € you have to build a life, a future ... who knows maybe even a few dream. And if not enough? The mechanism triggered in recent years in Italy and the world does nothing to diminish the value of € 1000 (also free paper gold equivalent).

But back to the film. At half time, I said a little 'Pallos. I enjoyed it too, for goodness' sake, but that the pace was "dismantled" that's for sure and verifiable. I was amused by the gag and find the script - that worked well within the frames are unique because there is a good staging - rather than a rhythmic construction of sussequenzialità scenes. Then we say that (wrong pace, of course) ends up hijacking the film its title and its mission. Here the viewer gets to ask if you are watching a narrative film that deals with the "Generation Euro 1000" to find true love, or "Generation Euro 1000" to find a decent future?

A title like that points directly to the second option, whereas the film embraces the former. With a few scenes in less surely would have earned at least the beat.
The actresses are very good most of the actors. The main character at times seems too ridiculous but it recovers a lot because the acting is based on the previous gag. Probably watching the main character, you could analyze the script and remove some of the scenes. Not sure what it is, but I wonder if the film would have benefited or not. Surely those who are not boring actresses. Moreover, it is love in the conflict, the conflict that lurks in the film. More exposed to quite late. Until then, the story had not given anything for a line (for example: the fight to increase eurini 1000) and structurally scenes were, as I have said little about, "dismantled". This entry to the (active) stage of the two girls. The structure of Spring without conflict has found its own axis carrier. An important axis, wrong, but effective for the room full of spectators. It would have been filled the hall with a conflict differently? Based on the particulars of his own title? I could not tell and I have not even read the book.

For the rest, though fun, does not deviate from "I Cesaroni". As we are approaching. Because I enjoyed it.

Monday, April 13, 2009

What Antibiotics Do I Need For A Chest Infection


Like a story that is trivial and pointless it becomes an enjoyable movie of all respect.

SBIRRI Exactly the opposite of the previous post.

A banal plot of love, adolescent imported into the world of adults. A period of time where seemingly nothing happens, and in the end nothing is out of the destiny of the people rule.

But in between, a film that you enjoy from start to finish. Intense, correct and above all full of narrative elements served with great skill. The audience, he imagines the worst (or best, depending on who you imagine). Eventually, an obvious end, a happy ending, accepted as the best line of conduct, what we put everyone in that situation. Yet, while we expected dire fate for all three players in history. I would advise ... but soon after I get the question: to whom? However, it is to see just because of his sincerity and structural linguistics. Inside, the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200bstarting mislead the viewer. I think it is hidden right there the success of the film. E 'by the success of Titanic, which designate an end at the beginning of a story becomes a small bet for success. And 'the morbid side of the people who once became spectators in the hall, followed, and they like knowing more about the plot or sensed from the outset the misfortunes and sufferings of the protagonist which can identify. And 'the catharsis of the old Greek stage.

'm not walk out saying "that great movie." I left the room with a bunch of ideas that I had discarded because not enough "rich" to "bad luck" and "bad luck" for the protagonists. Well. Two Lovers is credited with telling simplicity, great!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Mumbai Gaymobile Numbers


SBIRRI ... as a good report can become a bad movie.
screenplay full of cliches, social message "0" or so, all things taken for granted. A director who misses the first time around the middle of his narrative. Just imagine what remains after.
possible that you could not do better?
possible that you could not use the camera as stated in the beginning? Reportage. Even the language was the shit that is not well defined in various scenes overflowing with such insolence that there is little of art but a lot of presumption.
's night hours. Waste any more time to throw down some line (s) account for acting would be too much and too much time wasted. Too bad that the only good actor in the film, along with my "old" actor Luca Angeletti was the policeman. Luke, attention, Angelo Langé is very good.
PS. I saw that even from Israel have visited my blog. Hey ... I'm expanding too?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 En

the land of eagles in sadness NATO

Albania joins NATO. How sad! The policy of a country with patched ass moves toward militarism vintage. I wonder if there will be advantages of disadvantages because there will be all right. This, however, shows how a political class will determine the future destiny of their country.
ask ourselves every now and then as it is probable, possible, feasible.
It is a cultural base of the people who inhabit that land-country politically recognized and accepted by others similar in the world.
Already, the political class.
In a small analysis to the naked eye, a town with a bad collective conscience is potentially voted into a permanent dictatorship. The most plausible and acceptable it is the Italy of the 20 animals.
If we compare today with that of Albania Italian period, there are a few similarities. But, I choose one at all elevation angles. The culture of the vote (which itself deserves a dedicated post, and even longer). To my friends, parents and friends when they complained of the political, I often recommend to "condemn" the vote in the election. I was on time "Rebuked," "shut up" and also at the bottom of "denigrating" to have only thought. Now, I'm not here to say what is a vote and what it serves in a democracy because it would be too, too long and too obvious. What impressed me was the fervor of their beliefs avvocatesco. If they had a thesis "defense" of their positions "precise", a thesis argued and eviscerated in the manner and intent inherent in a vision of the future, I would be the first to congratulate them on their choices, if not shared .
But no.
They tell you (the incredibly stupid defensive pleadings of their voting behavior) of the worst things and / or the other party and at the end always vote for the opposite of what he ruled until that blessed day.
In short: you vote the lesser evil. The people of the land of eagles (which the eagle seems to have disappeared from the area for quite a while) are so driven or mental condition that can not understand the voting mechanism is a wonderful weapon, amazingly easy to make it clear to your or closer political spectrum that the trust is created and maintained automatically but is not eternal.
Italy in animal port 20 to the power that the masses defined the least worst. That is the hard hand and decisionistica. And 'that year saw the freedom for 23 years. Even in Germany have voted the party promised a steady hand. That is the least worst. Ie the gray shirts that served as a conduit for social frustrations of masses of people of people who had it with strong powers and strong with a knife on the streets. And he did not see more freedom for 12 years. I am not speaking of the war. I do not speak the obvious. The
Albania in NATO. What the fuck politics! Probably in the next elections rivincerà the major party opposition. And this mainly because my friends, my parents, my relatives and acquaintances can not identify a party or an organized political force that could be voted on, even temporarily.
That we can vote IDV in Italy is a good thing but still temporary. And if that party has also come to have peaks of 10% means that the logic of voting is running. at least one of the contending parties. The
Albania in NATO. The mother of shit is always pregnant.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Flat Warts On Corners Of Mouth


It 's a case that should give pause to what is happening in the United Kingdom. The strikes by British workers apparently against the Italian colleagues highlight some flaws in the EU. According to the treaties within the EU is free to move with goods, people and jobs. Sacrosanct. But you're never given that countries are not just a geographical territory, but also a social fabric that holds them up, tens of centuries if not longer. Socio-economic fabric it produces, consumes and creates wealth. All this in a vicious and virtuous circle that can affect whether you go to simply produce disasters. Large or small, more manageable and less, and still not repaired the disasters.

We are in times of crisis. A crisis that had started long before the outbreak now. It 'a crisis develops its metastases in silence and obviously that takes shape in the mid 90s. Years when we realized that "now we have it all" (decline in incentive to buy). And "we no longer need anything ... just to plan and use more efficiently the resources available." Then, as if by magic, the bubbles began to create art in the bag. Internet, real estate, credit, energy, raw materials, food ... and all extremely higher. But this out completely by the rules that until that time had settled between the parties in the world.

And now we are in crisis (there is already around in the background to the new depression) strangely putting under the microscope the problems created by ... freedom. Strange is not it?

E 'in its political vision of people who assume the responsibility for managing the national and EU policies that are based on and build the future of the people of Lindsey and all of us. Here it is played downwards, inside the EU, to ensure the market. But the British should know that the bear market, port and earn money in the pockets of the total, but that a whole town begins to feel the effects. It 's a previous (European) that occur in a time of crisis. Probably nothing would have happened a few years ago. But politicians and policies also serve this to consider, and make decisions. We know only too well that the social fabric creates wealth in the land. Is stronger, more wealth is created. The solidity of the social fabric in a democracy depends on the policies. The same as in an authoritarian system was implemented by the feudal lords. Not surprisingly, each other, seriously impeded the mobility of people from their lands. In this way and by force, accumulating power and wealth above all. It happens also in Sicily and the defense of the work on site makes the Mafia. This creates consensus in that area and ... horror in our eyes. But it does not take these examples to understand that there is a problem to address and resolve fairly, legislatively, morally and ethically.

Freedom has offered many advantages and we Europeans, but in the long run there is also detached from the real issues of life. In very difficult times and crises, we like to travel. That freedom of movement we have seen only from this angle ... shortsighted. And now we have to compare between "us" in a war between the poor. British workers if they are taken with Gordon Brown, who had feared during his election campaign a "promotion" of protectionist labor in England.

For now, thoughts and philosophies influenced by the historical moment at hand - winning the tie. Just to confirm that the truth lies in between!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Bialetti Tarnish Taste


I grew up in a country where:

1. Ministry of the most important of all, the Super Ministry, the Interior was .

2. there was no Ministry of Justice a.

3. deputies in parliament were appointed by Party to power and served in a list on election day as follows for the farce, all elected.

4. there was the President of the Republic .

5. the President of the parliament was the number two party .

6. party leader was the most powerful man, but ... I am not exaggerating when I say that was the Almighty. I'm not kidding. It really was.

7. TV was controlled by the ruling party. it was all the information .

... the list is long but to conclude I say that ... we were living in poverty and there were said to be optimistic and not lose confidence in the future.

Invite everyone to make a small reflection. In my opinion there are enough to make you the first synapse of chills on the back.

The country was Albania.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Location Black Panther Action Figures Ps2


As Berlusconi won both consent?

  1. lawyers and Their customers are given a lot to do to make him defend and win cases, even when losses in language, attitude and legislation which classifies as successes, prescriptions or archiving for lack of evidence.
  2. Traders, e. .. but yes: a bit 'has removed all the risk of a criminal conviction in cases of tax evasion. Then many were also pardoned.
  3. political forces in parliament has granted eternal life no matter who wins or loses the election. In this case, all will have won.
  4. gave birth to the Anti-Berlusconi. Did not exist before and was not to beat a current or win elections. They were so named at the beginning, all belonging to the enemy camp, then, for those who continued to bother even after losing the election, it is "accused" of anti-Berlusconi. He assured that his eternal stay in politics.
  5. offers a general television at all, in a way that excludes the possibility of reflection, but the reaction to warm. In fact, the TV networks, all have inflated the news and stop reflecting on the various levels of intensity and severity of them. News are scanned by a "jingle" urgent and dramatic music, both as a symbol of TG as the intermezzo TGCOM.
  6. In its TG and those controlled by him and the most used word "enough" or "let's stop, then follow as" dialogue "and" it can not be more ".... Therefore, the problems that afflict the country, of which he is charged with leading the last 20-30 years, in its networks and those subsidiaries, does not avoid talking, indeed, he speaks ... but we invite you to support the "just talk about it. " E 'glass ceiling born media.

to be continued ... has not even finished ...

Monday, January 5, 2009

Couple Greetings Quotes


The Millionaire!
Really nice. I loved it. Delightful and never dull but alas sometimes predictable, says an Indian story with a European language. The same Danny Boyle called it a film "absolutely British". The film is all about three narrative lines, and is told by a single point of view. Just as I like. I love the compliance point of view in the story. The Competition, Life, Love. Often you hear the joke in the movies: I have done alone or I grew up on the road. Well ... at least for my luggage film - though far less extensive lot of my friends - no one else in this film was really well told as here. The Millionaire! The boy protagonist, alone, and for his personal experiences of his life, answers to his questions, but without breathing down your neck victory target.